Last nights dreams
I dreamed a good bit that I can remember. I may come back and work on this post later.
One of the strange things was about a cat that had learned how to light a match. The funny thing is that he ran a tub of water and then tried using the match to light the faucet like it was a heater. He had the idea, but didn't understand everything and I guess he wanted a warm bath. I also dreamed that I had something like a stroke and couldn't get the letters right when I was trying to write something. And I dreamed my X was around - he was just being annoying.
Another dream had to do with shrimp, some kid had a bag of tiny shrimp and was just eating them raw. Then I went to look and see if I could see any shrimp in this water that was nearby and I'm not sure I did see shrimp, but there was some interesting things.
Okay one more dream, Don't remember all of this, but there was some kind of health and body building stuff. A few people demonstrating and a wrester type woman called something like "the mountain woman" who had a devise that fired out flowers. I had climbed way up on a cage thing and didn't want to come down when she was going to come out, but I did after I saw that she wasn't that scary.
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