My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


More about Okra - what else

Okra seed meal has 15% or more protein;

okra seed oil contains 70% unsaturated fatty acid;

Ground, roasted okra seeds can be brewed to make a coffee like beverage.

boiled okra leaves provide vitamins A and C, plus calcium and iron. I'm not big on boiled green leaves, but I think I will try it.

Juice from okra pods is an Ayurvedic remedy for balancing blood sugar. Now don't ask me what a Ayurvedic is, but I'm sure they know more than I do about okra pod juice. I don't know that I will be trying this any time soon. The only juicer I have just does oranges and lemons. I don't think I could get juice out of an okra pod very easy.

It also has pretty flowers and they are yellow. I seem to like yellow flowers. Each bloom only lasts about one day before it starts to turn into an okra pods.


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