My New Truck ;-)
I think that God had this truck ready for me. This is sort of what my new truck looks like. It's white with some kind of orange stripe on the side. Now all I need is to get me a cowboy hat ;-)
I stayed up until about midnight friday night looking at trucks on the internet and then Saturday morning I called my Dad and told him I wanted a truck, and what kind. He had driven this one back from an auction for a friend friday afternoon. It drove really well and he had commented to my Mom about how nice it was.
I didn't really have the money to do this right now, but I really wanted a truck and I really needed some transportation. Did I mention that the air conditioner went out on my car and it gets over 100 degrees around here on a regular basis.
It is so cute!! Good for you for getting what you want and for doing your research. We have a Jeep and I swear I will never go back to plain old cars ever again. There is just something so great about being able to see over the cars ahead of you in traffic.
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