My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Monday, August 07, 2006


Stay Sane

Did I mention that I got a new dress and I was looking really good walking from the car into Church when I noticed that I had a price tag hanging under the arm of my jacket. The speaker had people raise their arm if they lived in a certain area, which I did and I'm just glad that I found the tag and didn't raise my arm in Sunday School and have a price tag hanging out.

I'll be back thursday with more cartoons ;-) I did get a lot done today, not everything on my list, but I did climb upon the roof and cut the limbs that were rubbing the shingles. That was so much fun, I love to climb. A really strong wind came up while I was on the roof, but it was very refreshing and I just held onto the part of the tree that I wasn't cutting. I got the yard mowed and I may just take some clothes that I have clean (and tagless ;-) and do laundry when I get back.


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