My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Moggy can't dance

The girl invited me to a small concert and the band that opened up moved off the stage and put their instruments in the back.

Later I tried to dance in the back not far from their stuff. I ended up tripping over a case ;-/

Quote: To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love. - Jane Austen [I don't know about the love part, but I think I got the falling part down ;-)]


At 2/23/2010 3:47 am, Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

Oops. I'm sure that noone noticed....:-)

At 2/26/2010 2:19 am, Blogger Moggy said...

I'm sure your right.


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