I haven't commented on this
I feel sorry for every last person that was affected by this. Even the boy who was mentally ill. It's just so sad.
There are so many wonderful and caring people in the world, but someone who can't care is like someone who is thirsty and can't drink water. They are suffering and don't care if they cause other people to suffer.
Quote: “The real problem is in the hearts and minds of men. It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.”
- Albert Einstein
It is overwhelmingly sad. I agree that we need to do more to protect our kids and find ways to make them feel safe. I told my students this week that we protect money in banks better than we protect them in schools.
I do agree that most people value money more than other people. At least there are more of us who do value others.
You've got that right! :) Glad to know that you are one of the good guys (gals). :)
It reminds me of the importance to reach out to the person, at school, work, church, that is always alone and seems to hug the wall. If befriended, could they rediscover hope for the deep, hidden pain? I've found sometimes, you have to keep showing up and reaching out, even when rejected, until you earn the trust of the wounded one. I don't know much about mental illness, but I have known people without hope who've found it again.
You just need to be careful before you reach out that you have a good support system in place for yourself.
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