My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Dieting Again ;-)

I've had it in my mind for a while that it might be fun to go on a diet by color (being an artist).

I was going to only eat green stuff one day (like split pea soup and peas and limes etc) and then orange stuff (like sweet potatoes and cheddar cheese) on the next and on and on.

I was thinking about that at breakfast time and so I had milk and a boiled egg and decided that I would begin with white.

That would have been fine, but later I noticed the powder donuts in the vending machine. Did you realize that they are white? All I can say is that things went down hill from there.

Quote: “If you are on the fads diets, you are rolling the dice with your health.” - Lyn Steffen


At 5/17/2007 1:18 am, Blogger Sugar Cookies And Hope said...

Mmmmm, donuts. My mom used to wrap those little white dreams in aluminum foil and put them in the oven for just a few minutes. Heavenly.

At 5/17/2007 2:04 am, Blogger Moggy said...

hummm... I wonder if that would work in the microwave at work - aluminum foil and all ;-)

At 5/17/2007 1:03 pm, Blogger A Life Inspired said...

Funny Moggy Color Diet! And on brown day, her diet consists of whiskey, maple syrup, and beans!

Those white donuts did me in too! It's the vending machine curse. I used to work at the national center of the American Heart Association. Throughout the entire bldg. were posters of being heart healthy, the importance of exercise, and diet. Yet they had those dang vending machines. I felt guilty buying the white powdered sugar donuts. I would carry papers, so I looked like I was on important business vs. smuggling contraband donuts to my desk. Back in the safety of my office, I would quietly unwrap the cellophane, and pop one in my mouth. Invariably, at that moment, someone would pop in my office and when I tried to speak, all that came out would be a poof of white powder. Busted!

Good luck!

At 5/17/2007 2:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maple Baked Beans (here is two things in one)

1 1/2 pounds of dry white navy beans
1 cup maple syrup
4 oz. salt pork, cubed (or 3 slices of bacon cut into pieces)
1/4 cup chili sauce
1 onion, chopped
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. dry mustard
pepper to taste

At 5/17/2007 2:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and if you are sick on brown day

The Vermonter Cold Remedy
1 part maple syrup
1 part lemon juice
2 parts whiskey
4 parts ice

Combine all ingredients and shake well. Go to bed and sip slowly!

At 5/18/2007 12:20 am, Blogger Moggy said...

It's too late for Thursday, but I am so going to make Friday brown day ;-)


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