My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


More Storms

The news is talking baseball size hail and tornadoes with this storm. I don't think it will be quite close enough to cause damage where I am, but it's not too far away. I do feel bad for the people who may be in the path.

Correction - I heard later golf and tennis ball size.

Quote: The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and
the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore - Vincent van Gogh


At 4/10/2008 11:49 pm, Blogger Two Kayaks said...

Time to move to Canada. There are three houses for sale on my street. I'm a good neighbor.:)

At 4/11/2008 1:09 am, Blogger Moggy said...

The wind may blow me up there ;-)

At 4/14/2008 5:58 pm, Blogger A Life Inspired said...

Hmmmm? I would have thought Moggy would have had her skirt blown off or hit atop the head by a softball sized piece of hail. Must have been her lucky day!!!

At 4/14/2008 8:50 pm, Blogger Moggy said...

Al - skirt blown off, hit on the head by hail, you must think my life is really rough ;-)

At 4/15/2008 1:29 am, Blogger A Life Inspired said...

Uhm......I seem to recall not long ago a drunken sailor named Nancy escorting you to a work party, followed later by you locking your keys and purse in your truck at the airport and having to break into the truck with a hammer or something. It actually seemed par for course! ;-0

At 4/15/2008 9:37 am, Blogger Moggy said...

Al - you know me too well, but par for the course would be the golf ball size hail ;-)


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