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It's weird that even when you are good at something if you don't do it for a while it feels like you never learned anything and like it would take a long time to get back into it.
I am going to make space and time for painting and learning in my life.
Quote: let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance- - Proverbs 1:5 (NIV)
Good for you! As long as you show us the finished products....:-)
finished? ;-)
I agree with Janet...we need to see the finished bits. Perhaps this will give you some motivation to get at it??
You're much too talented to let the art sit idle too long! Paint Moggy, Paint!
K & J and Al - I am going to try to post things as I work on them, then if I don't finish them the world (or at least my small part of it) will know.
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