The cough is subsiding
I'm just going to work on myself. My appearance and my character defects. I'm ordering a book called "Drop the rock" it's about working on your character defects.
My biggest defect is procrastination, so that's first (or should I wait on that one ;-) and maybe dye my hair red.
Quote: "Procrastination is like a credit card: it's a lot of fun until you get the bill.” - Christopher Parker
I dropped the rock and it fell on my foot. What now?
Your hair is already red. :-) Now quit procrastinating and get hula-hooping!
billy - ask God to remove it from your foot, unless it rolled or bounced off, then I'd say your good to go
janet - I'll get right on that. I'm now thinking of leaving my hair gray, only in real life.
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