Too Much Thinking
Would I really be able to take care of them?
It's not a responsibility that I want to have, but I can see that it may be my responsibility. I think it's better to plan ahead now, than to just be suddenly faced with it. At least If it does happen I can blog about it ;-)
Quote: “A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. But the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture.” - Abraham J. Heschel
I LOVE that quote! I can't understand people who don't love the elderly. Although some can be kinda crotchety. :-)
I have thought of my parents too, when they are unable to look after themselves. They live a long way away. I often wonder what I will do.....
It's a tough road to ponder, for sure. Hope you can let those thoughts leave your mind for a little while and find some peace.
I've spent a lot of time at the hospital and in doctor's offices with my Mom for quite a few years. And helping her get groceries, and moved, and a whole bunch of other things. It's what our generation does.
Not always fun, or pleasant, sometimes scary (when the hospital won't believe she's having a stroke, won't give her food because they MIGHT want to run another test--diabetic needs food--then wondering why she's in a diabetic convulsion, and oh by the way, it seems she had a stroke --9+hours later).
Don't worry about it though; if the time comes that they need you more, God will give you the strength and wisdom needed to do the things you need to do.
The quote...true. People love drooling, dirty diapered babies, not so comfortable with the drooling, dirty diapered senior. Afraid of our own mortality...?
J, T.K. and Al - thanks it does help to know I'm not the only one. And that when the time comes I will have God helping me.
I've been thinking about this very issue myself. I do not have the best relationship with my parents (which is just one reason we live nearly 2,000 miles away). Well, my grandmother's health is starting to decline, and my mother is having to deal with a lot of issues. She's been complaining about it A LOT, and I can't help but thinking how similar the two of them are.
And then there are my in-laws. My hubby's grandparents actually moved in with his parents a few months before he was born, so they were an integral part of his life. It's amazing to watch my MIL care for her mother, and I know she wouldn't even be alive today if it weren't for my amazing MIL.
Definitely two ends of the spectrum, and I just pray that I'm half the woman that my MIL is. (Also a breast cancer survivor, buried two children, dealing with FIL's alcoholism for many years - she's truly amazing!!)
My grandparents are all gone now and I have a good relationship with my Dad and a fairly good one .... most of the time with my Mom. I know it wouldn't be easy to take care of them. I'm glad there is no alcoholism to deal with. Of course if I have to take care of them, I may have to start drinking ;-)
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