My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I want to play in the mud

I got to see someone making a sculpture yesterday and it made me want to try it. I guess it's not really mud, but looks a lot like it.

We had a speaker who worked on a bust of Jesus as he spoke. He works with Hospice and helps families who are morning. He was giving us advice on how to listen to someone who is at the end of their life. He talked about how important last words were and that they were like a gift. When people die suddenly without being able to say their last words sometimes the family feels cheated of that gift. Pretty serious stuff for a cartoon blog.

Quote: Value your words. Each one may be the last. - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec


At 11/18/2008 4:34 pm, Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

Serious, but true. I sure would have loved to hear my Dad's last words, but he was taken so suddenly.

At 11/18/2008 8:46 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am reading "Night" to my students and we are at the part where Elie's father is dying and the last word he utters is Elie's name. It has haunted the author for 60 years.

At 11/19/2008 1:51 am, Blogger Moggy said...

I guess it could be good or bad. He said one lady told her Mom that she wanted to go with her and her Mom said "you can't go with me, but keep your bags packed" She took that to mean that she should stay ready and it was a comfort to her.

At 11/20/2008 8:18 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

True ..... our Maggie is in her final stages of renal failure. The first two weeks, I cried and cried. Then, through prayers, God's given me His peace that we've done all we can and He's given us these beautiful warm sunny days and Maggie still has spirit and personality, so we've gone for walks and just spent time outdoors soaking in the sun. Although she can't talk verbally -- she expresses love clearly and we've had time for a few more hugs, a few more walks, and a few more times for me to tell her I love her. I will miss her terribly, but am thankful we've had more time, even though we've had mostly sleepless nights for three weeks now!


At 11/21/2008 1:28 am, Blogger Moggy said...

Al - I'm sorry to hear that Maggie is having a rough time. I know that she has been your companion for a really long time.


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