My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I need to pace myself better

Sometimes it feels like I'm running and getting nowhere. I have somehow gotten myself too busy and that's not really who I am. I am very involved in my Church and that's a good thing right?

I want to accomplish something.

I just don't want to burn out while I'm doing it. I just want to be sure that I'm not pushing myself too fast.

Quote: I think my work has to do with a sense that we are attempting, all the time, to create a logical, rational path through the day. To the left and right there are an amazing set of distractions that we usually can't afford to follow. But the poet is willing to stop anywhere. . . . And it's that willingness to slow down and examine the mysterious bits of fluff in our lives that is the poet's interest. - William Collins


At 8/25/2009 12:21 pm, Blogger Nankin said...

It's good to slow down at times. Our society pushes us to go, go, go all the time. We can't even ride in the car and enjoy seeing the world go by anymore.

At 8/25/2009 8:48 pm, Blogger Moggy said...

It's a mess I agree, sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses (that is if the heat hasn't killed them all) ;-/

At 8/25/2009 11:06 pm, Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

I always tend to get myself too busy. I resolve not to do it, then I find myself agreeing to doing things I KNOW are going to keep me too busy. Sigh.

At 8/26/2009 12:55 am, Blogger Moggy said...

Like having 6 kids ;-)

At 8/26/2009 11:04 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes I feel like I'm sleeping and getting nowhere. No, that's not right, i have nightmares, they count for something.

At 8/26/2009 11:56 pm, Blogger Moggy said...

They count for a lot if you make them into books to be made into horror movies.


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