My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I can't believe I like this stuff

My friend brought spinach to work last week and I'm not that big on eating spinach. I tasted of it only because it was so nice of her to share (she is the same one that I spilled the soup all over her office) I actually liked it. I made some at home from her directions.

1 10 oz can spinach
1 tablespoon of butter
salt & pepper
2 eggs

You squeeze out as much of the moisture from the spinach as you can and then heat the butter in a pan and cook the spinach, add two eggs into that and stir them around in it. Salt and Pepper to taste. When I had mine cooked I spread it out on a cookie sheet and sprinkled just a little shredded cheddar cheese on it and put it under the broiler for just a bit. It's also good reheated in the microwave.

Quote: “One man's poison Ivy is another man's spinach” - George Ade (I don't have a clue what that means, but it sounded profound ;-)


At 10/01/2007 1:43 am, Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

I LOVE spinach, but never really make it because "certain" people in this house, who shall remain nameless, but who are Waaaaay shorter than me, hate it.

At 10/01/2007 5:15 pm, Blogger Pam said...

And you didn't even throw it.

Spinach is one of the few vegetables I can get my husband to eat. I am married to the original Cookie Monster, but he isn't blue or hairy and he speaks intelligently, unlike that other one on tv.

At 10/01/2007 8:16 pm, Blogger Two Kayaks said...

I can only ever eat spinach if it is tossed in a salad. I have tried to be a good girl (I have anemia) and eat my spinach, but the though of it all squishy and steamy makes me want to hurl.

At 10/01/2007 10:54 pm, Blogger Moggy said...

I'm not a squishy spinach eater, but if you cook it this way, it's really not squishy.


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