My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Friday Face Wash

When I got my makeup done the other day I bought some special stuff to wash your face with, then I have a couple more things to put on my face after I wash it.

I"m having trouble making myself do all that face cleaning/creaming so tonight I was on the phone with a friend and told her. She said "go wash your face and call me back when you finish" so I did. Not sure if anyone will be up early enough to make me go through this again in the morning, but I think I can do it. ;-)

Quote: If I were two faced, would I be wearing this one?
- Abraham Lincoln


At 8/24/2008 12:07 am, Blogger Middle-Aged Moi said...

I DO, I DO! Seriously! First, I wash my face, then use a toner on it, then cream, then eye cream. EVERY night. I know, I'm a dork.

At 8/24/2008 3:12 pm, Blogger Moggy said...

Maybe I will eventually get there, I'm still trying.

At 8/30/2008 4:21 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're becoming so "high maintenance"!



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