Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Those big birds are back, they figured out how to reach the higher up feeding spots while standing on the rim. I'm going to either put wire around my birdfeeder or get one of those with wire around it. That lets the smaller birds in, but discourages the big ones. I also just put some food out on my back step. At least for right now, the little ones are trying to eat and maybe they will get some before being run off.
It's Saturday
Those big birds are back, they figured out how to reach the higher up feeding spots while standing on the rim. I'm going to either put wire around my birdfeeder or get one of those with wire around it. That lets the smaller birds in, but discourages the big ones. I also just put some food out on my back step. At least for right now, the little ones are trying to eat and maybe they will get some before being run off.
This morning I saw grackles chasing off the sweet little birds that wanted to eat at my birdfeeder. I tried putting duct tape on the bottom, because they were sitting on the rim and eating. I think it worked because the little birds can eat out of the higher up places which are hard for the grackles to hang on to.
Grackles at the birdfeeder
Friday, March 24, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
A friend is going to let me paint a door on a tree he has on his property. When I saw it I thought it would be perfect. I made a picture on my computer of what I think it might look like, but when I get a chance to actually paint it that may change a little. I've never tried anything like this before. I don't have many trees myself, and none that have a spot for a door on them.
Here is what I am hoping to make it look like when I do get to paint on it. I just hope it turns out good. I feel that it's important not to make a tree look bad. I love trees. I don't know how I would feel if I were walking through the woods and came accross this on a tree.
Future Plans
Saturday, March 18, 2006
We needed the rain, and I really do love thunderstorms. I guess if I ever get struck by lightening I will stop liking the storms, but for now I still do. I didn't mow yet, but with the rain I will have to very soon. I don't want to be the kind of neighbor that people don't want to have living near them ;-)
Were having a thunderstorm
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
I'm not sure I'm going to get around to a cartoon today, but I wanted to save a spot.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
The girl put on a yoga tape and I did a little yoga with her, it let me see that I had gotten a little stiff and need to get back in my yoga class.
It was really windy today and I don't see how the birds keep from being blown out of the trees. When I was walking into church this is sort of what I looked like. I'm not at all sure how my hair looked after I got inside ;-) - anyway now I'm off to buy some food for the lawn, so it will be happy and I can mow it soon. I may get some flowers for the front yard while I'm out because The Girl says she will plant them.
It's a Windy Sunday
It was really windy today and I don't see how the birds keep from being blown out of the trees. When I was walking into church this is sort of what I looked like. I'm not at all sure how my hair looked after I got inside ;-) - anyway now I'm off to buy some food for the lawn, so it will be happy and I can mow it soon. I may get some flowers for the front yard while I'm out because The Girl says she will plant them.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I went into 7-11 to get a lottery ticket for my friend and I and one of the doors had a sign that said use other door. I did, but forgot when I came out and used that door. It came almost completely off because the bottom hinge was broken off. I felt bad for the people who work there because they had to come to put it back.
Note: I didn't even get one number right, so I guess it's not lucky to break the door when you get a ticket.
Does this mean I'll be lucky?
I went into 7-11 to get a lottery ticket for my friend and I and one of the doors had a sign that said use other door. I did, but forgot when I came out and used that door. It came almost completely off because the bottom hinge was broken off. I felt bad for the people who work there because they had to come to put it back.
Note: I didn't even get one number right, so I guess it's not lucky to break the door when you get a ticket.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I've started to see little green leaves coming out on the trees. I can still just see the birds nest from last year and I hope that they will soon be filled with bird eggs. I guess that spring is about the most wonderful time of year, until I start to have to mow the yard ;-(
I woke up about an hour before the alarm and the cat seeing that I was awake brought out the wake up claws, but I still didn't get up until the alarm went off. I did think of some questions I need to ask today at work. I hope I can remember everything when I get there.
Thursday Already
I've started to see little green leaves coming out on the trees. I can still just see the birds nest from last year and I hope that they will soon be filled with bird eggs. I guess that spring is about the most wonderful time of year, until I start to have to mow the yard ;-(
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
I brought work home with me today because tomorrow is a big day at work as far as my job goes. On the upside I did notice that the red buds are blooming on the way to work and there are also some white blooms on a tree that I don't know what is. There there are the little green leaves starting to come out on other trees. It's really nice to see. Even the yard is starting to have a little green in the grass, I was afraid it would die because it's been so dry.
Wednesday Work
I brought work home with me today because tomorrow is a big day at work as far as my job goes. On the upside I did notice that the red buds are blooming on the way to work and there are also some white blooms on a tree that I don't know what is. There there are the little green leaves starting to come out on other trees. It's really nice to see. Even the yard is starting to have a little green in the grass, I was afraid it would die because it's been so dry.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
This morning when the cat work up he was sneezing, I hope he is not allergic to me. Also were trying not to feed him too much and so his food bowl was empty. I didn't want up and even "the claws of morning" didn't get me up so he had to bring out his teeth. He didn't bite down on me, but I did get up and give him a little food.
We had about 50 go and eat after Sunday School. This is the largest class that I've ever been in. Now I'm going to ride to the store with the girl and the boy, and put some gas in my car for work tomorrow.
Sunday Morning
This morning when the cat work up he was sneezing, I hope he is not allergic to me. Also were trying not to feed him too much and so his food bowl was empty. I didn't want up and even "the claws of morning" didn't get me up so he had to bring out his teeth. He didn't bite down on me, but I did get up and give him a little food.
We had about 50 go and eat after Sunday School. This is the largest class that I've ever been in. Now I'm going to ride to the store with the girl and the boy, and put some gas in my car for work tomorrow.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006
The Doctor visit went well, I hadn't been taking my blood pressure medicine and I didn't think I would get caught, but my pressure was high and so I had to fess up. I got three things for my cough and it's actually better already.
I liked her new office and there were no painting on the wall, so I'm thinking about going by and asking them if they would like some paintings for the walls - it would be a way to get my stuff seen. I guess it would just be sick people seeing them, but that's better than nothing. I would try to paint something healing and not something that would make the feel sicker.
The doctor gave a few suggestions and one was giving the cat a bath a couple of times a week. I can see how that might lower my blood pressure, but I don't really want to do it.
Doctor Visit
I liked her new office and there were no painting on the wall, so I'm thinking about going by and asking them if they would like some paintings for the walls - it would be a way to get my stuff seen. I guess it would just be sick people seeing them, but that's better than nothing. I would try to paint something healing and not something that would make the feel sicker.