I will get back to posting. I have been busy. I've drug out everything from the back end of my closet to the recesses of the garage and I'm trying to get organized. Yes I guess it is funny and should be given a cartoon, but I have not gotten around to that. Next week should be less hectic and I will try to start giving better updates.
Here are a few updates
Did I ever find my other shoe? not yet but I bought another pair of very comfortable shoes ;-)
Weight - I'm still working on that, but I'm going in the right direction, which is not up.
Hair - The jury is still out on this, I found a new hair dye that is specifically for gray hair, but it doesn't come in as many colors as I would like which means I had to settle for a brown which looks like black (yes again)
Mowing - the front yard needs to be mowed again and if I don't get the back yard done soon, I'm going to need a machete instead of a lawn mower ;-(
Garden - nope I had all these grand plans, but they have not materialized.
Getting ready for work - yep that's what I should be doing right now - gotta run.