Well maybe it's not a warning. I get the Warning and Watch mixed up. We do have storms coming this way. They keep talking about it on the news, but hopefully it will not be too bad. It seems like we have a lot of high winds and hail storm warnings. I hope it doesn't get my house, car, or my little garden. I think The Cat and I will be safe.
On a lighter side, here is a picture of how my rose bush looks now ;-)
I guess it was what they call a late bloomer, but it's really going now. I do have another rose bush, but it's got so many leaves that you can't see the roses as good.
I probably should have cut it down more. I'm just trying to learn about gardening.
And now what everyone has been waiting to see - the garden. We tried putting some flowers in it to help keep the bugs out. I have a couple of herbs in the front left and my pill-bug trap with cornmeal in it. I can't tell that it's worked. There is corn and beans planted in the back and some okra near the back on the right.
We put some lima beans in the middle of the garden and a few times we saw some of them on the top of the soil. We just kept pushing them back down into the ground, but we haven't seen any come up yet. We suspect that someone ate the seeds.