This is a real picture from my camping trip. I started to step behind this rock and saw a snake. I didn't get a picture, but my friend (the one with the two little dogs) took my camera and caught this picture of the snake looking at her.
This is the tent that I stayed in. I got talked into leaving my truck behind and sleeping in a tent on the ground. There was a pack of coyotes near by that woke everyone up a couple of times during the night. Well except for me because I sleep really soundly for some reason.
If you looked out the flap of our tent, you could see the RV of someone we like to refer to as Mr. Grumpy Pants. He yelled at everyone for walking through his camp site. I say if you don't want people to walk through your campsite don't set up camp between them and the restrooms. ;-)
I also played a game of horseshoes. This is my favorite picture from the game. You can see the shadow on the sand. The other good thing is that it did not make a ringer, because the blue horseshoe was not on my side. My side won and I was able to get two ringers.
I've never played before and it was a lot of fun. I would not mind getting a set to practice with. I guess it's not great exercise, but it is a little bit.
While we were playing a few deer came by and I was able to get some pictures of them too. I ended up seeing deer three different times, but all these pictures were taking during the horseshoe game.
The deer are not very afraid of people inside the state parks. They did not let you get too close here, but I have had deer eat out of my hand at some parks.
It was a beautiful weekend. The nights were cold, but it really warmed up during the day.
Quote: I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is so beautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and the paintings appear as in a dream -- Vincent Van Gogh