And Now for Something Completely Different
I thought this was really cute.
Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.
Do not try to use a lamp as a coat rack.
I didn't get out on the road till around lunch time and it took me a while to get the ice off my window and door of my truck. It would have been a little faster, but all I had was a little plastic spoon ;-)
I have this image in my mind of an angel getting ice from the refrigerator and being distracted so that that it spills over and comes down on The Leaning House of Moggy ;-)
I don't expect a lot of people who live north of me to feel sorry for me. I have to say that I don't know how you guys stand being cold for so long every year.
I got invited to eat and see a movie at someone's house. They put a sheet up on one wall and projected the movie up on it. That was really neat. The movie they chose was "Oscar" with Sylvester Stallone. I had never seen it and it was a great choice. It's really funny. Someone said it was made from a play and it flows like a play. If you get the chance this one is worth seeing.
The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field.
I was almost sucked in by one of those infomercials. Its really hard to understand how they are able to make so many things looks like just what you need.
When I first moved to The Leaning House of Moggy I meant to replace the toilet seat which was a little kid design. The boy went to the store and got a brand new solid white seat and put it on.
My X has been calling me and I may have to change my phone number. I don't want to get into the specifics here, but it's really just a matter of I don't want to talk to him.
My outdoor faucet cover got moved or lost and so I went by and got another one yesterday. It was almost 10:00 at night when I got home and went to put it on. When I was putting it on I accidently turned on the water and so I didn't really do a good job of it.
Today was a weigh in for our group at work. I thought about weighing the clothes I was going to wear so they didn't add too much. I did wear something fairly light and shoes that I could slip out of. My friend wore a bulky sweater and boots and since we are having to pay a dollar for every pound we gain, she has to pay.
Sunday morning I didn't want to face the day. So I slept really late and missed Church.
I wanted to sell, but today I rented my house instead. I felt that this was the direction that God was leading me. Now I have to borrow money to pay for some of the repairs I had done.
I rode with my friend at lunch and she drove through a really fancy car wash. I almost never wash my truck and when I do it's by hand.
A friend invited me to Happy hour with a group of people that she knows and I don't know. I got there about 30 minutes before she did and I sat next to the group, but didn't talk to them. They didn't know that I belonged with them and so they didn't say anything either. When she got there she introduced me to eveyone.
I saw 17 deer. Eight at one time in a wooded area near the road I was going down and one crossing a road going out from a nature center. The best were four that came to eat at a deer feeder as I was sitting and watching. Two of them came within about 30 feet of me.
I had breakfast with my parents then drove south till lunch time and had lunch at "la Peeps". I spent the time from lunch till supper time playing a new game (Mexican Train Dominoes). It was really confusing because there are a lot of rules to learn and we didn't have one person who really knew how to play without us going over the rules many times.