My Life is a Cartoon

Maybe my life is not a cartoon, but I do like to draw little cartoons about some of the things going on in my life.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Well it's almost friday

I got the yard mowed tonight, but it was already getting dark when I got home from work. I will not know how it looks until daylight tomorrow. At least it should look better than it did. It was getting to the point that I was afraid the city would send me a bill and mow it themselves. There are some weeds that just grow - well - like weeds and make the yard look bad really fast.
Should I weed the lawn, or say it's a garden?

Thursday, September 28, 2006


To Know God's Will

It must be possible to know Gods will. I think in the past I have sometimes thought that it was not possible, but if the Bible asks us to understand it, then it must be possible. I'm trying to get back into bible reading to get a better understanding and get closer to God.

Eph 5:15-17
Be very careful, then, how you liveā€”not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


I want new glasses

I am tired of changing glasses all the time. When I went to get glasses last time I got some that I could only see at a distance. That's fine, but I have to change glasses to read and I'm going to wear my nose out. People at work probably think I'm crazy in a meeting when I have to put on glasses to read, but pull them off to look at them.

I called yesterday and ran by after work, but I guess I didn't call the right number because they said they would be open and they weren't.

Monday, September 25, 2006


Had a great weekend

I did run into some rain and hail on my way. I saw one really bad wreck and I just hope they were okay.

I got to see the tents that the longhorn had torn up and I don't know if I want to sleep on a tent on the ground anymore. It would have also been sort of cold on the ground this time. I had a different set up, a tent under the lid of my truck. It wasn't made for that, but it worked as if it had been.

This time the only thing I saw when I was camping was a frog. Oh and also I accidently got my hair orange by mistake. I looked more like my cartoon than I wanted to ;-) I did see some deer on my drive down and a camel on the drive back.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


It's the Weekend ;-)

This morning I was thinking how cool it would be to grow my own pumpkin for thanksgiving pie. What I didn't know is that you plant them around July 4th. Oh well, maybe next year.

Also I'm going to be gone for a couple of days - yes again. I am going to an event where they will have seed catalogs and that sort of thing. I need to start planning the garden for next year. I haven't totally given up on this year yet. I have a small cantalope in process and the okra is still going. This is my first year to garden, and it was fun, but if I had to live off of it I would be dead or really really skinny ;-)

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. -- Marcel Proust

Friday, September 22, 2006


Another Day

This morning I was thinking about how the Internet is like having access to a hugh number of brains, instead of books. But like in the movie Young Frankenstein you have to be careful, because some of them could be abnormal. Still I enjoy finding unusual things, like this quote. ;-)

If somebody thinks they're a hedgehog, presumably you just give 'em a mirror and a few pictures of hedgehogs and tell them to sort it out for themselves.
- Douglas Adams

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I have a new plan

Since it may rain and I don't want to just sleep under some net on the back of my truck. I'm thinking of trying to see if I can get a tent that will go on the back. I spent too much money already this month, so I can't get a gypsy wagon just yet ;-)

I'm going this weekend to a festival and want to camp out.


Thank goodness for a loud cat

I didn't get up when my alarm went off, but I have an early meeting that is not near my office and need to go in early.

The cat took it upon himself to get me up. How does he know when I need up? Sorry if I look a little pale in the cartoon - I don't have time right now to go back in.

Gotta Run.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


I need to get to work early

Yesterday I didn't get to work in time to have breakfast with friend and didn't see her until the day was almost over. When I did see her she told me that my skirt was crooked and my tag was showing in the back of my shirt.

I didn't realize how much I need to see her first thing in the morning ;-)

Monday, September 18, 2006


Looks like rain again

Looks like rain again today, I need sunshine to get me going in the morning. The cat worked on me with the claws of morning for a long time to get me up. So now I am at least ready to go to work.

I know that we need the rain, so I'm glad. When I get to work I will just turn some bright lights on me.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


Longhorns destoyed the camp

Once again don't worry I wasn't there, but I got the call that both tents were destroyed and also the little shower tent. The good thing is that the camper was there and so some of the camping stuff had been moved into it.

Also I think I got a toll ticket today - I got my truck license plates put on and I was in a lane of traffic that went into a toll area. I put money in the toll thing, but the light didn't change and a buzzer went off when I went through. Then I went to the mall and didn't come out the same door I went into and almost never found my truck.


Painting Class tomorrow

My painting is going pretty good. I'm starting off with all browns and gold colors and I have five princesses walking through the woods on my painting [okay in the cartoon there are only 4, but in reality there are five].

I am doing it after the golden woods picture in the book "the twelve dancing princesses" It's not something that I can sell because of it being after another painting, but I'm just doing it for myself and to learn a new style of painting.

I will post a picture of it soon.

Friday, September 15, 2006


I wonder if people really look at my archives

I also wonder what happens when a year is up, I'm going to have to relook at how I have this side bar layed out. I think I could do better. I did move the months up to the top and I think that's better. Anyway I will have to look at it and think about it for a while.

What got me to looking at it in the first place was that my sidebar was just missing for a while. I guess it was a blog site problem and not me, because it came back without my help.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


Another Day

I mowed the yard yesterday and since the weeds had gotten so bad out by the road, I even got out the weed eater.

I got a lot done and then it stopped working. I tapped it on the ground - even though it sayes "you don't need to tap" and then I opened it up and it was out of string. So this time many of the weeds escaped.

I really didn't want to do it anyway. I sort of like the weeds. I wish I knew their names.

What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have never been discovered.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Longhorns in the camp

Don't worry, I'm not camping right now, but my friend called and some longhorn cows came through the place that we camp. I just hope they didn't knock over the camper.

I'm thinking that maybe I will get a tent that is not green, so it doesn't look like something to eat just in case.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


No more messy desk

Today I am going to try to be a lot more organized at work. I have a plan. I cleaned off my desk before I left and I have stuff in my briefcase to get started with.

We finished the document that was causing me to go in early and work late.

Monday, September 11, 2006


This is such a sad day for our country

I have listened on the radio to people who were near by when the twin towers were attacked. There were a lot of innocent people and children who were killed.

It's hard to understand any religion that could have so much hate. I know that even some people who call themselves Christians have a lot of hate, but they are fooling themselves, because I don't think they could really be Christians. Maybe it's the same in other religions too.

I did get more done that usual today, but I'm still tired.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


I got up at 4:00 this morning

My Dad gave his camper to my friend to use on his place and we got up at 4:00 to drive it there. That's better than the last time my Dad went with me - he was ready to go at 2:00 in the morning.

It's about a 5 hour drive and I think there were about 5 dead skunks on the way - that's about one per hour ;-). We did see even more live deer than dead skunks and that part was nice.

We drove there and back and then I drove home, so that was about 11 hours on the road today and I am really tired. I'm off work tomorrow, but I have a long to-do list. I need to mow the yard, pay some bills, clean house, and a lot of other stuff that I won't bore you with.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I joined toastmasters again

It's a good place to learn to speak in front of people and I have really enjoyed it when I was in it before. You prepare and make speeches. I've got to look for my old book and see where I am so I can start with another speech. They have groups all over the place and I would encourage anyone to try a group near them. I think it's a lot of fun and really helps.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Football game tonight

I don't know when the last time I went to a football game was. I'm not really into playing games. I'm for sure not going for the game. I have some relatives that I want to see and don't get to see very often, so I'm willing to suffer through a game to get to see them.


I had to work late ;-(

I am going to try to go to a nephews football game after work tomorrow, and I have stayed up so late that it's almost tomorrow already ;-( Anyway I am going to try to get up really EARLY so no cartoon just now. I have something to turn in at work that needs to be in really good shape. I keep thinking that I have caught everything that could be wrong with it, but then something else shows up. I'm going to look over it a little more tonight and then in the morning and I guess that's that.

Thursday, September 07, 2006


I have a plan

I'm going to try to paint one painting in three sections. I havne't really gotten this far yet. I have only painted the background of one yellow.

I love Ruth Sanderson's painting of the 12 dancing princesses going through the woods, and I would like to try it to see if I can get the lighting the way she has it. If not it will at least be fun to try.

I stayed up too late again, better get some sleep.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Changes at Work

I'm sure they have been thinking about it for a while now, but today at work they actually started to move people to new positions.

So far they haven't moved me. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.


I didn't win the lottery

I was torn between paying bills and building a gypsy wagon, but now that I didn't win any money, I guess I had better just pay the bills.

I will have to find some other way to finance my gypsy wagon ;-).

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Pictures don't seem to be uploading this morning

I will have to post my picture later - and I will not be home until around 9:30, so I may not get to it today.

I did make it home with my new paper tag - the metal one should be in today.

Monday, September 04, 2006


My truck plates have not come in yet

The dealer is going to give me another paper tag, but I am going to drive to the dealer with an expired tag. I just hope that I don't get a ticket. I don't like to be doing anything that I'm not susposed to be doing.

Sunday, September 03, 2006


Cleaning out the camper

I was cleaning out my Dad's camper yesterday and I took out all the cushions and stacked them on my truck to clean them. Well it started to rain and I was talking on my cell phone. I had to scramble around and toss them in the back of my truck. That's where they still are this morning.

Saturday, September 02, 2006


Home Blood Sugar Test

I went to the store and got one of those do it yourself testing kits for blood sugar. I thought with all those M&M's for sure I would have high blood sugar, but I don't.

I still don't feel like I can keep on eating junk food and stay healthy. I know to you I look like a fairly young cartoon type person, but really I"m just a middle aged lady ;-)

Friday, September 01, 2006


New Recipe

This is very confusing to me. I found a recipe that I would like to fix. The title says it's for two people and then it goes on to say.... "Prepare this recipe and you'll have dinner for two tonight, and a pan in the freezer for a future private dinner! (Why do you suddenly have a pan in the freezer for another dinner if your cooking a recipe for two) Or double this recipe for two meals for a family of four." (If you double this for a family of four then do you have a pan in the freezer for another dinner for a family of four)

I want to become a better and more compentant cook, but I'm not sure if recipes like this one are going to help me.