Jan - went to an 80's party and a painting workshop
Feb - someone ran into me and wrecked my truck
Mar - got my truck back, went to see the movie "Amazing Grace" and went on a retreat
Apr - I got stood up and went to Scarbrough Faire
May - drove 6 hours to camp and to see a small town play, also I had pneumonia
June - went to family reunion, a movie in the park "Singing in the Rain" and our Sunday School Class ended ;-(
July - I did a photo shoot for a portrait, tried to learn to Salsa dance
Aug - eharmony mis-adventures, camping and giving up on salsa
Sep - went camping again and on an actual date from eharmony
Oct - My trip to San Jose and me kicking out the window of my truck and my birthday (oops all this happened in November)
Nov - I cooked Thanksgiving Dinner for a couple of friends and family members
Dec - I wrote a song parody that they actually sang at Church and saw a panther in the wild
Quote: “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.” - Benjamin Franklin